Legacy Society
"My Cristo Rey experience was life changing. I don’t use that term lightly either. Cristo Rey got me through the hardest years of my life and I am so thankful for the support that they showed me. Cristo Rey taught me how to create opportunity from very little - it showed me that believing in someone can unleash their true potential. Cristo Rey believing in me was the most important thing that could have happened during my teenage years."
- Emilio, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School '15
Georgetown University '19
We acknowledge and treasure our benefactors who have included the Cristo Rey Network in their will or estate plans to impact the future of students like Emilio. Through a planned gift, members of the Cristo Rey Network Legacy Society create a lasting legacy of support for the Cristo Rey movement that ensures our young men and women entrusted to the care of our schools receive a transformational Catholic, career focused, college preparatory education.
Cristo Rey Network Founding Legacy Society Members
BJ & Bebe Cassin
Judith Emmett
W. Nicholas & Lorie Howley
Darren & Terry Jackson
David Kvapil†
Lori & Jeff Northrup
Jodi di Marzo
Francis J. Moynihan†
Janet & Tom O’Connor
Doug & Paula Piper
Becoming a Member
You can provide for the future of the Cristo Rey Network by making a gift provision in the following manner:
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Living Trust
- Retirement Plan Assets
- Life Insurance Policy
- Will
- If this is of interest to you, the language below may be of help you and your attorney.
Specific Dollar Amount
"I give, devise, and bequeath to the Cristo Rey Network, an Illinois nonprofit corporation, Federal Tax ID #04-3730980, the sum of _________ Dollars ($____________), for the Cristo Rey Network's general use and purpose.
Specific Percentage
"I give, devise, and bequeath to the Cristo Rey Network, an Illinois nonprofit corporation, Federal Tax ID #04-3730980, an amount equal to _____________ percent (_______%) of the value of my estate at the time of my death for the Cristo Rey Network's general use and purpose.
- If this is of interest to you, the language below may be of help you and your attorney.
If you are interested in learning more about how a planned gift can help establish your legacy at the Cristo Rey Network, please contact Chief Advancement Officer Brenda Morris at bmorris@cristoreynetwork.org or (312) 784-7208.
If you have already made a provision for the Cristo Rey Network in your will or estate plan and wish to be listed as a member of our Legacy Society, please complete our Legacy Society Commitment Form and email it to Brenda at bmorris@cristoreynetwork.org.