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Honor Roll of Investors

We are grateful to our many friends and family who have invested in the John P. Foley, SJ Legacy Fund, a traditional endowment that will sustain the long-term quality and vitality of the Cristo Rey Network national office to ensure the future of this transformative mission. The income generated by the Fund allows the Cristo Rey Network to provide innovative programming now and in the future that responds to the changing needs of our schools.

Radm. Robert & Mrs. Louis Abele*
Anonymous (2)
Marilyn Antonik*
Monica & Lawrence Avery*
Kevin & Thayer Baine
Dian & David Barth*
Mark & Anne Bazin
Robert Berner†
John, Luke, & Tony Biallas*
Charles W. Bidwill, Jr.
Rob & Susie Birdsell
Jenny & John Birmingham*
Elizabeth Brennan*
Mary C. Buckley
Alice Rae Casey*
Robert & Catherine Cerone*
Maureen Chavoen*
Chicago Blackhawk Alumni Association*
Daniel & Karen Considine*
John Cortesi*
John & Rosemary Croghan*
Sally Sears Daniels*
Darin Dankelson*
Julie & Philip Delaney*
Patrick Dolan*
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Dold*
Frank & Patricia Eames*
Loretta Egan*
James & Joan Eggers*
Carol English
Endlichhofer Trust
Mary & Paul Fee*
Patrick J. Foley*
John Ford
Diana Lane & Bill Ford
Anne Murphy Gallagher*
J. Patrick & Anne Gallagher*
Bill Garrett
Jane E. Genster & John J. Buckley, Jr.
Ralph & Sonja Gilliland*
Mark & Mary Gliva
Robert & Elizabeth Golden*
Ann & Jim Good*
Julie Guerin*
Richard & Rebecca Griesser
Joshua Hale
Roberta Hannigan
Most Rev. Bernard J. Harrington
Barbara Hasbrook
Pete & Annette Hasbrook
Michael & Patricia Haverty*
Brian & Kathy Hayes*
Jane Hayes*
Barbara & Michael Heaton
Christopher Hebig & Shannon Noonan
Meredith N. Hedrich Living Trust*
Carol Heffernan*
Mr. & Mrs. William Henson
Mrs. Tempest Hinkamp*
Christine Hjorth*
Charles & Linda Hoffman*
Stephen Holte
Paul Hosch
Lucille M. Hornby
Ed Hungler*
Sue Hutsebaut
Nancy Witte Jacobs*
GR & Tara Kearney
Mary & James Kearney
Karen Kennedy*
Michael & Rae Khoury
Matthew Kilcoyne*
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey King*
Thomas & Margaret Kloempken*
Daniel J. Knepper
Ann M. Korologos†
Lydia Krebs*
Fred & Suzanne Kueppers
Theodore & Carolyn Kueppers*
David Kvapil Trust
Beth & Matt Lambrecht*
Mary Lambrecht*
Paul Lazotte
Jill & Mike League*

Pat & Carrie Lee
Daniel Loftus*
Dennis & Pam Lucey
Geoffrey Lutz
Jose Madrid
Kathleen Mahoney
Debbie Mason*
Thomas & Sandra McBreen*
Alex & Sheila McClement*
Dcn. Peter & Loriann McCourt
Maureen McGinnis*
Edward J. McLaughlin
Bill & Paula McMenamin*
Rich McMenamin & Patty Mulvihill
John McPike*
Christopher McNulty*
David K. & Judith McNulty
Brian & Darcy Melton
Kathleen Tighe Miller*
Mints Family
Kevin Mize*
Teresa Moran
Joan Murphy*
Jeb Myers
Camille Naughton
Patricia Nold*
Connie O’Brien
Dennis & Kathy O’Keefe
James & Sharon† O’Sullivan
Jeanne Oelerich
Bill Oppegard*
Robert & Kathryn Otter
Ben & Rowena Parma*
John & Joanne Person*
Agnes Piszczek*
Karen Wildhaber Pritz
Puckmeister LLC*
Thomas Reilly*
Tom & Linda Rinella*
Peter Robinson
Colleen Sanguinetti*
John & Nancy Scheid*
Jacqueline Schermerhorn*
Jeanne Schimeck*
L. Anne Schrauth, P.T.*
Colin Scully
John Seeberg*
Richard & DJ Shantz
The Sheridan Family
Kara Skorepa*
Michael & Martha Smith
Derek Spahr
Martin Spalding*
Donald Sprague*
Joanne M. Stevens*
Donald & Lisa Stewart*
Roger & Susan Stone Family Foundation
Margaret Tallon*
Frank & Jane Tighe
Adam Trifiro
Anne Tuomey, the Larkin family*
Rebecca Twitchell
Linda van Spankeren*
Bob Verdi
Marcel Viens*
Lambert & Eleanore VonBank
Robert & Joan Waghorne*
Bruce Wald
Sheila & Roger Ward*
Mark W. & Florence M. Waznak
Richard & Marilee† Wehman
Richard Wekerle
Ms. William W. Wirtz*
Sparkle Worley
Beth Wright*
Nicholas & Kathleen Zagotta
John Zavislak*

*Gifts in memory of a loved one or friend


To ask a question or to learn how your gift will make an impact on the Cristo Rey Network, please be in touch.

Brenda Morris
Chief Advancement Officer
(312) 784-7208

Constance O'Brien
Director of Philanthropic Engagement
(312) 784-7218

Audrey Michaelson
Associate Director of Advancement
(312) 824-6081

View our 2024 Impact Report