QuestBridge Match Scholarship Recipients
Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School | 4 Scholars
University of Chicago, California Institute of Technology, Washington University in St. Louis, College of the Holy Cross
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Chicago) | 1 Scholar
University of Notre Dame
Cristo Rey Columbus High School | 1 Scholar
Washington University in St. Louis
Cristo Rey Dallas College Prep | 3 Scholars
University of Pennsylvania, University of Notre Dame, College of the Holy Cross
Arrupe Jesuit High School (Denver) | 1 Scholar
Rice University
Detroit Cristo Rey High School | 1 Scholar
University of Notre Dame
Cristo Rey Fort Worth College Prep | 2 Scholars
Vanderbilt University, University of Notre Dame
Verbum Dei Jesuit High School (Los Angeles) | 1 Scholar
University of Notre Dame
Cristo Rey Jesuit College Preparatory of Houston | 1 Scholar
College of the Holy Cross
Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory (Las Vegas) | 1 Scholar
Macalester College
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee | 2 Scholars
Stanford University, College of the Holy Cross > Watch Video
Cristo Rey New York High School | 3 Scholars
Wesleyan University, University of Notre Dame, Boston College
Cristo Rey OKC Catholic High School | 1 Scholar
University of Notre Dame
Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School | 1 Scholar
University of Chicago
Cristo Rey Richmond High School | 2 Scholars
University of Notre Dame (2)
Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School | 1 Scholar
University of Chicago
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Twin Cities) | 2 Scholar
Boston College, University of Notre Dame
Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School (Washington, DC) | 1 Scholar
Johns Hopkins University
Posse Scholarship Recipients
Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School | 1 Scholar
Babson College
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Chicago) | 2 Scholars
Middlebury College, Whitman College
ICA Cristo Rey Academy (San Francisco) | 1 Scholar
St. Olaf College
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Twin Cities) | 2 Scholars
Macalester College (2)
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep (Waukegan, IL) | 2 Scholars
Trinity College, DePauw University
Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School | 1 Scholar
Davidson College
Cristo Rey Richmond High School | 1 Scholar
College of William & Mary
Both programs believe that small, diverse, academically talented groups of students can be the catalyst for change, regardless of their economic backgrounds. Our 39 students from the Class of 2024 will join thousands of scholars ahead of them who have mobilized the programs’ offerings:
QuestBridge Match Scholarship recipients are granted a full four-year scholarship and early admission to one of the organization’s prestigious college partners. Awards are offered to students who have demonstrated academic achievements that meet or exceed the admissions standards of the partners, which includes being within the top 10% of their high school graduating class.
The Posse Program focuses on the tenacity, ambition, and extraordinary talent needed to become the next generation of leaders. With over 10,000 scholars to date, Posse Scholars receive full-tuition leadership scholarships from the nation's top colleges and universities, engagement in a robust campus support program, and professional development opportunities through a career program.
The Cristo Rey Network congratulates our Class of 2024 scholarship awardees on their dedication to and continued focus on their postsecondary journey.
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